
Gain Insights from the Most Accurate Earnings Estimates Dataset Available

70%+ More Accurate: Use the Estimize crowdsources earnings and macroeconomic estimates from over 120,000 contributors across the globe to outperform sell-side estimates. 

Estimize is designed to collect opinions from the widest possible range of contributors, while maintaining the highest quality data through advanced behavioral and statistical algorithms.

Contributors are a mix of buy-side, independent, and sell-side investment professionals, along with amateur analysts, independent investors, and academics. 

Gain free access to Estimize data by becoming a contributor. This dataset is also available as a subscription or request access to our institutional raw data feeds and research

ExtractAlpha owns and operates Estimize, a powerful crowd-sourced earnings sentiment engine renowned for its accuracy and reliability forecasting earnings.

Estimize Widget

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  • Follow leaderboards to track your accuracy